Saturday, March 21, 2020

10 Latin Abbreviations You Might Be Using Incorrectly

10 Latin Abbreviations You Might Be Using Incorrectly 10 Latin Abbreviations You Might Be Using Incorrectly 10 Latin Abbreviations You Might Be Using Incorrectly By Mark Nichol Abbreviations deriving from Latin terms and phrases can be troublesome for us non-Latin speakers. Here’s the long and short of the most common short forms adopted into English from the classical language: 1. e.g. This abbreviation of exempli gratia (â€Å"for example†) is not only often left bereft of its periods (or styled eg.), it’s also frequently confused for a similar abbreviation you’ll find below. Use e.g. (followed by a comma) to signal sample examples. 2. etc. This sloppily formed abbreviation of et cetera (â€Å"and so forth†) is often misspelled ect., perhaps because we’re accustomed to words in which c precedes t, but not vice versa. (Curiously, Merriam-Webster spells out etcetera as such as a noun, but at the end of an incomplete list, retain the two-word form, or translate it.) A comma should precede it. Refrain from using etc. in an e.g. list; the abbreviations are essentially redundant, and note that etc. is also redundant in a phrase that includes including. 3. et al. This abbreviation of et alia (and others†), used almost exclusively to substitute for the names of all but the primary author in a reference to a multiauthor publication or article but occasionally applied in other contexts, should have no period after et, because that word in particular is not an abbreviation. Also, unlike as in the case of etc., refrain from preceding it with a comma, presumably because only one name precedes it. Fun fact: We use a form of the second word in this term alias to mean â€Å"otherwise known as† (adverb) or â€Å"an assumed name† (noun). 4. i.e. This abbreviation of id est (â€Å"that is†) is, like e.g., is frequently erroneously styled without periods (or as ie.). It, followed by a comma, precedes a clarification, as opposed to examples, which e.g. serves to introduce. 5. fl. This abbreviation of flourit (â€Å"flourished†) is used in association with a reference to a person’s heyday, often in lieu of a range of years denoting the person’s life span. 6. N.B. This abbreviation for nota bene (â€Å"note well†), easily replaced by the imperative note, is usually styled with uppercase letters and followed by a colon. 7. per cent. This British English abbreviation of per centum (â€Å"for each one hundred†) is now often (and in the United States always) spelled percent, as one word and without the period. 8. re This abbreviation, short for in re (â€Å"in the matter of†) and often followed by a colon, is often assumed to be an abbreviation for reply, especially in email message headers. 9. viz. This abbreviation of videlicet (â€Å"namely†), unlike e.g., precedes an appositive list one preceded by a reference to a class that the list completely constitutes: â€Å"Each symbol represents one of the four elements, viz. earth, air, fire, and water.† Note the absence of a following comma. 10. vs. This abbreviation of versus (â€Å"against†) is further abbreviated to v. in legal usage. Otherwise, the word is usually spelled out except in informal writing or in a jocular play on names of boxing or wrestling matches or titles of schlocky science fiction movies. (â€Å"In this title bout of Greed vs. Honesty, the underdog never stood a chance.†) Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative ConflictHomogeneous vs. HeterogeneousPhrasal Verbs and Phrasal Nouns

Thursday, March 5, 2020

29 Effective Examples of Public Relations Campaigns and Tactics

29 Effective Examples of Public Relations Campaigns and Tactics Public relations spans a broad array of tactics and strategies. As such, what any two PR campaigns looks like in actual practice can be vastly different depending on its goals. From old-school media placements to large-scale event planning to modern digital communication, it often requires an interesting mix of skills and competencies to do well. And that’s probably why you’re here. You know the benefits of doing PR: earning trust, establishing valuable relationships, and building branding awareness, all while collaborating with content and social media marketing, but with lower costs than traditional advertising. Sounds awesome, right? Well, sure it does. But which tactics should you execute? Where do companies start developing plans? And what does effective PR even look like in real life when it encompasses so many things? That’s what you’ll find in this post: 30 examples demonstrating what this time-tested marketing discipline look like in the real world. You’ll find basic stuff like different areas of the business you can explore, plus tons of actual campaigns to help inspire your own strategy. Table of Contents: Definition Basic PR Disciplines Basic PR Tactics Successful PR Campaigns What is ? Its the best all-in-one marketing management platform to organize all your projects and team members. See it in action. Snag Three Free PR Templates This post is full of examples you can borrow ideas from. But, what happens when it comes time to execute your strategy? Grab these free templates to support better execution: PR Plan Template: Press Release Template: AP Style Cheat Sheet: in oneplace. Save 20 hrs this week alone and every weekafter. If youve ever kicked the tires on , nows the time to see what its reallylike. Schedule Your Demo Success! Your download should start shortly. Clean up the chaos with your editorial calendar! With , youll Save time with blogging, social, and email think HOURS every week Schedule your social posts in batches and increase your posting frequency super easily Get your sht together and hold yourself accountable to publishing like the boss you are! Now’s the perfect time to start your 14-day free trial to see for yourself! Start Your Free Trial